Dr Jane Goodall
Jane Goodall has had an extraordinary life. As a child she’d sit up her favourite tree and dream of living like Dr Dolittle and Tarzan. Her dreams were realised when she lived alone in the rainforest, getting close to chimpanzees. Her work in the 60s changed the way we see animals. Jane has since travelled the world, fighting for Nature; and her organisation Roots and Shoots empowers young people to care for the planet.
She writes about her love of trees in the foreword of Tree Beings:
When I was deep in the forest I knew a sense of peace and felt a strong spiritual connection with nature. It was from the forest that I learned how everything is interconnected, and how each species of plant and animal has a role to play in the rich tapestry of life. In this book, Raymond Huber shares with us the inspiring stories of some very special people who have not only raised awareness about the importance of trees and forests, but fought to save them.
Read her memoir Reason To Hope, it’s an uplifting story.
Dr. Jane Goodall , DBE, UN Messenger of Peace. Photo: Roy Borghouts